[BCFSN] Correction dear food system friends, it's a Climate Food Emergency

Women's Food and Water Initiative wfwi at shaw.ca
Thu Mar 11 16:42:40 EST 2021

Hello all, 

You seem to really get it Theresa. As I am sure many people do, but like you, they may not realize how quickly this is all coming on. 
That is the reason I wrote the letter Climate Food Emergency and the exponential curve of global heating. 

I think we cannot control what we cannot control and that has always been so. At these times, of existential threat, we do what we can do and 
that is building community and following the Victory garden example of previous global conflicts. 
Interesting how we have no common enemy except ourselves. 

Anyhow there is a lot a person without access to land can do as you have already thought about. 
If you are fortunate enough to have a balcony then you can grow bee favorites to attract the pollinators and 
for sure get hooked up with like minded folks with land. 

I simply love what you said about the Urban Farming Collectives, 
" I think the Collectives are necessary for food, but also to move towards being more independent, sustainable, local, 
connected to nature and community, and to withdraw from the current systems that are not working for the whole." 

One of WFWI success stories is that we campaigned with the NFU, the National Farmers' Union of Canada to create a membership category for Urban Farmers 
and they did. So all the Collectives can join the union and have a strong voice going forward. 
We also campaign for a Guaranteed Livable Income and that is critical for all this to transpire. 
Check out the United church campaign for a GLI. 

Hope all are well and safe, JFB 

From: "Teresa Lynne" <t.lynne at shaw.ca> 
To: "wfwi" <wfwi at shaw.ca> 
Cc: "Andre Piver" <andrepiver at shaw.ca>, "food" <food at bcfsn.org> 
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2021 3:44:46 PM 
Subject: Re: [BCFSN] Correction dear food system friends, it's a Climate Food Emergency 

Hi Jen, 
Nice to meet you. 

Thank you for taking the time to look at the video and comment. Plus send me a reference video, which I watched. 
I completely agree with you that Urban Farming Collectives are the way of the future. 
I believe they are needed for more than just the global warming, although what Beckwith says – 5-10 years max is sooner than I comprehended. 
I think the Collectives are necessary for food, but also to move towards being more independent, sustainable, local, connected to nature and community, and to withdraw from the current systems that are not working for the whole. 

I looked up your organization, Women’s Food and Water Initiative and found you on Facebook. 
I’ve been wanting to get more involved in both areas, seeing the need for healthy food and the need to protect our Sacred Waters. 
I was a Campaign Coordinator for GE Free BC for 6 years and care deeply about healthy food and the environment. 
I’m currently doing some volunteer work for codes.earth/World Water Law. 

How are you organizing and what do you recommend people (in my case, living in an apartment in Port Coq so without land) can do to help bring people together? 
One idea I had was to help people who want to grow food and have no land, to connect with people with yards who would be willing to have their land farmed. Like the Victory Gardens. 
This would naturally connect people and grow communities. 

There is someone in Vancouver who has started this. 
They have more gardening knowledge than I, so thought to reach out to them and suggest/ask if they can cover other communities as well. 

[ http://www.garden4food4thought.com/ | www.garden4food4thought.com ] 

I’m ruminating on where best to put my energies. 
Interested to hear your thoughts. 

Kind regards, Teresa 


On Mar 10, 2021, at 2:59 PM, Women's Food and Water Initiative < [ mailto:wfwi at shaw.ca | wfwi at shaw.ca ] > wrote: 

Hi Teresa, and all, 

Thanks for your message. 
I did watch the video you suggested, or most of it. 
Unfortunately Charles doesn't seem to be getting the idea of 
the end of the jet stream, which is what will happen when there is a 
Blue Ocean Event . When the jet stream breaks down there is no reliable 
weather. The reliable weather is the only reason we have an effective food system. 
The seeds sprout at given temperatures and moisture, and they mature IF the weather is favourable. 

Its true the hydrological system is very important and there are ways to treat these systems better than we currently do. 
But no one can refreeze that Arctic Ice, it's meting at an exponential rate as our GHG emissions increase. 
I still think that Urban Farming Collectives will give us our best footing for weathering the Climate Food Emergency 
up until the BOE. After that all bets are off. 

Here's something from Paul Beckwith about the BOE. 
[ https://youtu.be/OH-rQyEoYew | https://youtu.be/OH-rQyEoYew ] 

all the best, Jen Fisher-Bradley 

From: "Teresa Lynne" < [ mailto:t.lynne at shaw.ca | t.lynne at shaw.ca ] > 
To: "wfwi" < [ mailto:wfwi at shaw.ca | wfwi at shaw.ca ] > 
Cc: "Andre Piver" < [ mailto:andrepiver at shaw.ca | andrepiver at shaw.ca ] >, "food" < [ mailto:food at bcfsn.org | food at bcfsn.org ] > 
Sent: Friday, March 5, 2021 9:56:49 AM 
Subject: Re: [BCFSN] Correction dear food system friends, it's a Climate Food Emergency 

Good day. 
If you haven’t seen this video from Charles Eisentein, I think you’ll find it worth watching. 
Trees, water and soil are the solutions to climate change. 

[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L68ZHYzeZoI | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L68ZHYzeZoI ] 

Kind regards, Teresa 


On Feb 27, 2021, at 9:09 AM, Women's Food and Water Initiative < [ mailto:wfwi at shaw.ca | wfwi at shaw.ca ] > wrote: 

Correction dear food system friends, seed keepers, it's a Climate Food Emergency. 

In 2019 Australia bought wheat from Canada for the first time in 40 years. 
The exponential curve is straightening, pointing up, now two years hence. 
What will harvests be like this year and next and so on? 
Our evolutionary experience has always had seasons. Our brains don't know how to 
relate to the exponential curve of climate instability. 
Mirabel Think Tank has had many years to ponder the situation and how it is going to unfold. 
The tail of the fossil fuel dragon seemed to be swinging far right for a while, now back left, while the youth 
and their supportive parents continue to strike for a habitable planet, a FUTURE. 

We want youth to know science and the more they learn the more they see what we have done to 
Gaia and her loved ones. It's a time to grieve and to celebrate because now, regardless of the outcome, 
maybe she will send us a Hail Mary Pass if we change our attitudes, maybe NOT, but regardless, 

now is the time to be our best selves. 

We figure for British Columbia and perhaps all of Canada, the most of us living in cities, we need to form 
urban farming collectives and work in as large a group that can be easily managed. 
These are relationship-led farms and these teams of people can work to grow food and adapt to whatever comes, together. 
Water will be the biggest challenge and there will be fights over it. Each urban farming collective will 
have to have a Water Keeper Team of two or three people and their families. This is the most important job 
so all the members of the collective will be checking up on these folks, frequently, and helping out as needed. 

Seed is a big concern. We have seen what has happened since Covid hit us. 
Every UF collective will need Seed Keepers and these people will be highly regarded with 
the gift of collaboration coming their way from all the other collective members. 

Nutritionists will be needed to help us focus on the right foods for our our geographic areas. 
Although, soon, geography will not make any difference. As the Arctic heats, and heads towards 
a Blue Ocean Event, the loss of the stability of the jet steam will make the swings wilder and wilder. 
At that point all bets are off for the future of humanity and all the oxygen breathers. 

Now is the time for a spirituality that keeps us from despair. 
For me it's Gaia, the living, breathing, feeling synergy of our home planet Earth. 
She is a loving mother and she is not happy with her human species because they abused their power 
allowing their "faith" to give them permission to do it. 

But she knows all about us and our limitations. Maybe we will evolve into something better or maybe 
our species is doomed by it's own super-fascination with mortality, who knows? 

Either way how we continue form here on is entirely up to us. 

Our governments are about 15 years behind reality, and will not, though they will try their best, catch up. 
There is a growing global movement for the Basic Livable Income and that is a good sign. 

Money had no particular value before all this (fractional reserve lending gone mad) and now we see with the crypto currencies 
it is simply a few zeros and ones in the cloud. Food and water will be what matters and how to nourish humans 
in a dignified manner. 

Like land reform in many nations, reorganizing ourselves into urban and rural farming collectives can only lead to more social justice, 
that is until the food runs out. 

At Mirabel we remain open to surprises, good things can come out of this kind of pressure humanity is under. 
We seem to perform well under a lot of self-created stress. Let's see if this is one of those times. 

Thinking of all of you. Sending you peace and clarity of mind in our prayers. 

Jen and Stephen Fisher-Bradley 
Women's Food and Water Initiative 

From: "Andre Piver" < [ mailto:andrepiver at shaw.ca | andrepiver at shaw.ca ] > 
To: "Abra Brynne" < [ mailto:abrabrynne at gmail.com | abrabrynne at gmail.com ] > 
Cc: "food" < [ mailto:food at bcfsn.org | food at bcfsn.org ] > 
Sent: Friday, February 19, 2021 1:28:05 PM 
Subject: Re: [BCFSN] Fwd: Breaking news: Minister Bibeau announces members of the Canadian Food Policy Advisory Council 

I sincerely hope that this emergence represents the connection with the Climate Emergency we face being recognized beyond lip-service. 

Andre C. Piver MD 
6774 Harrop Procter Rd. 
Nelson, B.C., V1L 6R2 
Canada , tel 250.229 4665 


On Feb 19, 2021, at 12:05 PM, Abra Brynne < [ mailto:abrabrynne at gmail.com | abrabrynne at gmail.com ] > wrote: 

Hello all, 
FYI. Please see below. 
in good food, 

Abra Brynne 
[ mailto:abra at foodshed.ca | abra at foodshed.ca ] 
604 Gore Street West, Nelson, BC V1L 3H3 
Ph: 250.777.2480 
she | her 

"Whoever suggested that good thinking should be in a straight line?" Brewster Kneen 

"Social justice does not come from passivity or non-caring. Justice must be struggled for. That is what life is, or should be all about - striving for justice. Not only or primarily as individuals, but as members of larger communities." Ursula Franklin 

---------- Forwarded message --------- 
From: Margaret Bancerz < [ mailto:mbancerz at ryerson.ca | mbancerz at ryerson.ca ] > 
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2021 at 10:10 
Subject: Breaking news: Minister Bibeau announces members of the Canadian Food Policy Advisory Council 
To: cafs < [ mailto:cafs at ryerson.ca | cafs at ryerson.ca ] > 

Hello all, 

This just came through my email: the long awaited Canadian Food Policy Advisory Council. Congratulations to our CAFS members on the Council! 
Please see the [ https://www.agr.gc.ca/eng/about-our-department/key-departmental-initiatives/food-policy/the-canadian-food-policy-advisory-council/?id=1597863853544 | link ] . 


Margaret Bancerz, PhD 
Ryerson University 

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