[BCFSN] Fwd: Race and the Science of Starvation; The Myth of a Wilderness Without Humans; The Postwar Kitchen

Jan Steinman Jan at EcoReality.org
Sat Nov 2 14:36:18 EDT 2019

Thank you for that, Abra!

I was especially glad to read Mark Dowie's "The Myth of a Wilderness Without Humans." It really reflects what I thought was my unique view. I'm glad to find that others are thinking that way, too. This reflects my thoughts that the First Nations people on un-ceded lands are our last hope.

But then I went on to read "Stray Thoughts: Nobel Laureate Robert Solow’s Predictions for the Next Century" and I got depressed. Yet Another Economist, ignoring basic physical, natural fundamentals. "Energy" doesn't even appear in his essay. "Nonrenewable" appears only once.

An economist is someone who, upon encountering a stadium full of 107,000 destitute, penniless people, come to hear a talk by Bill Gates, says, "Isn't the economy doing great? On average, here's a stadium full of millionaires!" (When I first made up this joke less than a decade ago, there were only 45,001 people in the stadium…)


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