[BCFSN] FYI going to city council to ask for a Food Committee here is my document I will present. Hope it inspires you in your region/municipality.

Women's Food and Water Initiative wfwi at shaw.ca
Wed Sep 3 18:07:22 EDT 2014

Calling for a city council supported FOOD COMMITTEE IN THE CITY OF PORT 

Council meeting September 8, 2014

presenter Jen Fisher-Bradley Urban Farmer former participant in the 
Climate Change Committee

In many jurisdictions across the province, the country and the continent 
food security is an issue increasingly on people's minds. The combined 
pressures of climate change and inequality make us wonder if there will 
be adequate nutrition available and accessible to all. Can we take steps 
to move towards food security at the local level?

With climate change coming on faster than anyone knew before and 
droughts like the one in California and other parts of North American 
agriculture belts and with flooding and hail in others threatening 
traditional food supplies there is a growing need to discuss food 
security at the municipal level.

Port Alberni has spent considerable time, energy and taxpayer treasure 
on creating an Urban Farming Bylaw.

The committee can answer the question, “The bylaw is a good first step 
but what are the next steps?”

Going on the premise “many hands make light work” some motivated 
individuals, working together cooperatively as a Food Committee, could 
find creative ways to encourage and help support these urban farmers. 
There may be ways to organize for more productivity, better soil health 
and drought preparedness.

How does the Food Committee relate to revitalization?

Because its on the minds of many Canadians, folks thinking of relocating 
to our city will want to see that this issue is being addressed through 
a bottom up process. They may even want to come here to be part of the 
process and part of moving us towards food security. They may have 
expertise they want to bring to our attention and share.

How does the Food Committee relate to seniors who live on fixed incomes?

Climate change pressures will inevitably increase food costs. There will 
always be some things we can grow locally and dependably, especially if 
Urban Farmers work together to make this happen. This local supply 
provided at an accessible cost will help to stretch the budget.

How does the Food Committee relate to what the regional district is 
doing with their farm plan?

Urban and Rural Farmers have a lot in common and yet face different 
issues. The regional district is now funding the first phases of the 
implementation of the farm plan. The city's Food Committee will be a 
complimentary addition to this process. Farming in a rapidly changing 
climate is challenging. Increasing the Urban and Rural Farming 
connection can only result in better informed markets, producers, 
understanding and empathy.

I believe there is a lot we can do if we form a Food Committee, by 
assembling a group of concerned city residents tasked to come up with 
some viable non-binding recommendations that can be followed up by the 
city working in cooperation with interested residents, Urban Farmers and 
community groups.

Here is what I would like to see happen:

1. City council recognizes the need for taking action and passes motion 
this evening to form a Food Committee that will present approximately 20 
non-binding recommendations, 10 of them priority and 5 of them high 
priority in spring of 2015, to council and at a public meeting.

2. Council commits a councillor to chair the meetings and gives access 
to city staff for information purposes, when required, as they did with 
the Climate Change Committee.

3. The meetings to be held in city chambers, dates and time decided by 
the committee members and depending on availability of councillor, most 
likely once a month.

4. Council commits some funding to advertise for city residents to sit 
on the committee. Committee to begin meeting approximately late October 
2014 and finish approximately mid May 2015. In their advertising council 
calls for members of the committee to be residents of the city so that 
city resources are used to benefit city residents.

5. Council commits to some funding for a public meeting to present the 
recommendations of the Food Committee to the residents of the city in 
the spring of 2015.

6. Some kind of feedback process is established and implemented so that 
city residents can comment on the recommendations.

Jen Fisher-Bradley
contact 250-730-9413
wfwi at shaw.ca
2661 4th Avenue
Port Alberni
V9Y 2C4

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