[BCFSN] FW: QUEST Science - Building Biocellars, Aquifer Mapping, and Hybrid Tomatoes

Pamela Zevit Adamah Consultants adamah at telus.net
Tue Aug 26 20:21:10 EDT 2014

Here's a chance to thank our BC farmers. Write away!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BC Association of Farmers' Markets <info at bcfarmersmarket.org>
Date: Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 7:30 AM
Subject: BC Farmers’ Markets launch the Ode to a Farmer Contest for Farmers
Appreciation Week September 8 – 15, 2014
To: cjwellner at gmail.com

August 20, 2014
For Immediate Release

*BC Farmers’ Markets launch the Ode to a Farmer Contest for Farmers
Appreciation Week*
*September 8 – 15, 2014*

Vancouver, BC: August 20, 2014 - The BC Association of Farmers’ Markets
<http://t.ymlp263.net/qjuqanauhuuqakaqhalajbhs/click.php> (BCAFM) invites
British Columbians to show their appreciation for local farmers in the form
of a poem - a haiku, a ballad, an ode or a limerick, the style is up to
you. Novice and experienced writers alike are invited to submit their best
agriculture-inspired poems to the second annual Ode To A Farmer Poetry
Contest, in honour of Farmers Appreciation Week September 8-15, 2014.

The grand prize winner will receive a $150 gift certificate to the BC
farmers’ market of their choice. To celebrate the diversity of BC’s
agriculture, contest judges will select a grand prize winner, plus one
winning poem in each region of BC: Cariboo Chilcotin Coast, Kootenay
Rockies, Northern British Columbia, Thompson Okanagan, Vancouver, Coast &
Mountains and Vancouver Island. Winning regional authors will receive a $50
gift certificate to the BC farmers’ market of their choice. The contest is
open to all British Columbia residents. Submissions will be accepted online
<http://t.ymlp263.net/qjuyakauhuuqadaqhaaajbhs/click.php> or by mail until
Sunday, September 7th at 11:59pm. For details see Farmers Appreciation Week
- Poetry Contest <http://t.ymlp263.net/qjesapauhuuqadaqhatajbhs/click.php>.

“BC farmers are our best source for fresh, healthy, local food,” says Jon
Bell, BCAFM President, “and the Poetry Contest is a means to express our
gratitude for BC farmers and all the ways they contribute to our health,
communities and economy.”

This is the 5th annual Farmers Appreciation Week, an annual event
highlighting the important contribution that local food and farmers make to
our lives. Farmers Appreciation Week will be celebrated at farmers’ markets
across BC from September 8 – 15, 2014. For more information on how to
participate, see the Farmers Appreciation Week website.

Three accomplished BC writers will judge the contest. Tamara Leigh is a
freelance agriculture journalist, President of the BC Farm Writers
Association, and *FarmHugger* blogger based in the Cowichan Valley of
Vancouver Island. Renée Sarojini Saklikar is author of the
*thecanadaproject*. Her work appears in various literary journals,
newspapers and anthologies, including *Geist* and *Contemporary Verse 2:
The Canadian Journal of Poetry and Critical Writing* (*CV2*). Ronda Payne
is an accomplished agricultural writer and reporter. She is a regular
contributor to *Country Life in BC* and various other publications.

The BCAFM is a not-for-profit association that represents 125 farmers’
markets across the province and works to support, develop and promote
farmers’ markets in all regions of BC. For more information on the BCAFM or
to find a farmers’ market
<http://t.ymlp263.net/qjeeafauhuuqataqhafajbhs/click.php> near you, visit

Event information:

   - Ode to a Farmer - Poetry Contest details
   - Poetry submissions accepted until September 7th at 11:59pm
   - Celebrate Farmers Appreciation Week

Follow Farmers Appreciation Week online:

   - Twitter: @BCFarmersMarket
   - Facebook: www.facebook.com/BCAFM
   - Event hashtag #BCfarmersweek
   - Website: http://www.bcfarmersmarket.org/

-30 -
Georgia Stanley, Manager of Communications & Membership
BC Association of Farmers’ Markets
georgia at bcfarmersmarket.org

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Cathryn Wellner

   - This Gives Me Hope <http://thisgivesmehope.com/>
   - The Reluctant Farmer <http://thereluctantfarmer.com>
   - Crossroads <http://cathrynwellner.wordpress.com>

Twitter: @StoryRoute <http://twitter.com/storyroute>
Facebook: http://facebook.com/ThisGivesMeHope
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