Sustain BC is our largest program area, supported by three of BC’s major social impact funders. This project aims to foster sustainable food systems in BC at the provincial level, using a collective impact / multi-sectoral governance model for which the BCFSN serves as the backbone organization.

What are the conditions we want for a local and sustainable food system? 

Ambitious Goal is Healthy Local Food Sustains all in BC in 2030

How can we measure our results?


Results from the first two years the Sustain BC initiative includes the development of a shared measurement framework, identification of eight winning conditions for impact and several related impact measures.

The conditions for impact are defined as a set of circumstances that, when brought together, are likely to contribute to achieving the results and ambitious goal. The conditions for impact are our theories on how we can work towards the results. Notice that this definition is steeped in uncertainty: they are conditions likely to contribute to achieving the results. The conditions for impact are things we believe we can achieve and we believe will contribute to making a larger difference, but we can’t make guarantees nor should we.

Here are the DRAFT conditions for impact.

Conditions for Impact: Local food economy; Ecological methods; Farmland protection and production; New entrants; Food literacy; Healthy food access; Indigenous food sovereignty; Food policy


More details about the development of shared language to support this collective impact initiative can be found here in the Primer: A Shared Measurement Framework for Sustain BC

Sustain BC is governed by a Leadership Council – see Terms of Reference linked here: Sustain BC Leadership Council Terms of Reference – February 15 2018.

Two teams have been convened since inception of the program, Farmland Production and Protection and New Entrants.

See the progress and results here:

New Entrants Impact Measures

FPP Impact Measures

May 3, 2018 New Entrants Workshop Outcomes


We gratefully acknowledge the funding support of the Real Estate Foundation, Vancity enviroFund, and the Vancouver Foundation.


