[BCFSN] organic farm seeking new farmers

Abra Brynne abrabrynne at gmail.com
Tue Nov 6 12:23:08 EST 2018

Hello all,
if you have been connected to the organic farming community in BC for very
long, you will at least know of Linda and Tim Ewert. They have been farming
organically and with great care for 45 years near Pouce Coupe. They have
been looking in to ways to ensure that the farm continues on and under
organic practices after they are gone.

They have created a website (https://wildwood.farm/) about their farm and
plans. They are reaching out to connect with interested people who would
want to explore being a part of the farm. That process will start with a 3
month residency next summer.

If you do not know of the Ewerts, I encourage you to explore their website
and learn about their farm and practices - it is indeed inspiring. I know
that Cathleen and Brewster Kneen treasured their visit to the farm and time
spent with Linda and Tim.

And if you are looking to put down deep roots and have the courage, energy
and work ethic to be a part of something so grand, please read over the
website and reach out to Tim and Linda.

in good food,

Abra Brynne
abra at foodshed.ca
PO Box 684, Nelson, BC V1L 5R4
ph: 250.352.5342
cell: 250.777.2480

"Whoever suggested that good thinking should be in a straight line?"
Brewster Kneen

"Social justice does  not come from passivity or non-caring. Justice must
be struggled for. That is what life is, or should be all about - striving
for justice. Not only or primarily as individuals, but as members of larger
communities." Ursula Franklin
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