[BCFSN] Fwd: 2nd year Anniversary at Ulluilsc aka Voice for the Voiceless

Dawn Morrison dmo6842 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 13 15:36:45 EDT 2017

Hi All,

See forwarded message below for a great way to come out and support the
work of a community who is demonstrating Indigenous food sovereignty in

Dawn Morrison,

Working Group on Indigenous Food Sovereignty
C/O 555 East 55th Avenue
Vancouver, B.C, V5X 1N6
Mobile: 778.879.5106
Email: dmo6842 at gmail.com
Websites: www.indigenousfoodsystems.org

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Shannon Hecker <shannon61184 at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 8:49 AM
Subject: 2nd year Anniversary at Ulluilsc aka Voice for the Voiceless
To: Dawn Morrison <dmo6842 at gmail.com>, "Marcuse, Ian" <
Ian.Marcuse at vancouver.ca>, "Gloria (Chilena)" <glorialisa1812 at gmail.com>,
Earle Peach <earlepeach at yahoo.ca>, Nadine Sparkle <npluzak at gmail.com>,
carmen at stillmoon.org, Ronnie Harris <ostwelve at icloud.com>, Ingrid Ivette
figueroa nuñez <manelikfigueroa at gmail.com>, Don Bain <donb at ubcic.bc.ca>,
Grandview Woodland Food Connection <gwfcnetwork at gmail.com>, Jill Whitebear <
greentempledesign at gmail.com>, Lil Red <Redsoulbluez at gmail.com>, Kelly
Patrick Moore <kellypatrickmoore at gmail.com>, Patrik McEvoy <
yakguudang at gmail.com>, Social Justice Centre UBC <
socialjusticecentre.ubc at gmail.com>, Yvon Raoul <raoulyvon at gmail.com>, Tammy
Lea Meyer <tammyleameyer at gmail.com>, John Turnbull <
johnadamturnbull at gmail.com>, Terry Wilkinson <terrylouisew at gmail.com>,
Eddie Gardner <singingbear at telus.net>, Dan Wallace <
northwestcoastart at yahoo.com>, Devin Gillan <devin.gillan at gmail.com>, Wild
Salmon Caravan Media <wsc.mediateam at gmail.com>

*Hello everyone!*

*This week is the 2nd year anniversary at Ulluilsc also know as the Voice
for the Voiceless Camp at Junction creek in the Yalakom Valley unceded and
unsurrendered St'at'imc Lands & Waters!*

*Come out and celebrate two years of the reoccupation of Junction Creek and
the creation of the Voice for the Voiceless camp. The camp was renamed in
2016 to mark the beginning of a new village. Ulluilsc translates to
"gathering place" describing the cultural significance of the area. The
place has transformed from a camp into a main residence for Christine Jack
complete with a small cabin, root cellar, garden beds, sweat lodge,
accessible outhouse, smoke house/teepee, greenhouse, and outside kitchen.
This has all been possible by the dozens of people who continue to show
there support through donations of their time, skills and funds. Now it is
time to get together and celebrate this powerful place!*

             Celebration and Gathering*
*Thursday March 16th  *
*Everyone welcome! *
* 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM *
*Please try to arrive in time for lunch at 12:00 PM*
*Deer stew, tswan(fish) soup and bannock will be served. *

*Bring your own bowl, cup & chair!Bring a drum, a poem, a joke to share, a
song, whatever you have is going to be just the right thing!Donations of
food and blankets for the sweat lodge are appreciated.*

*Here is the link to the online fundraiser that is happening now! So fun
and exciting with lots of lovely perks for people who choose to donate! *

*Here is the link to the Facebook event encase you are looking to organize
carpooling or connect with people that are involved*

*Link to the "A Voice for the Voiceless Camp Supporters And Allies"
Facebook page*

*Directions to Ulluilsc:*
Drive through Lillooet, BC, turn left onto Moha road and follow the highway
signs that say "Seaton portage, Shalath, Goldbridge" keep on that road for
about 28 km then you will see a stop sign on your right with a street sign
that says Yalakom rd. follow this road and the little yellow km markers
until you are just past the 50 km mark. Then you will drive for one more
minute and you will see the camp there on your right hand side! You can not
miss it!
Unceded & Unsurrendered St'át'imc Lands & Waters

About Ulluilsc:

On March 16th 2015 a reoccupation camp was set up in Xwisten territory at
Junction Creek in the Yalakom Valley. The camp is welcoming people to come
and join them to help protect the land from unsustainable logging
practices. This camp is also to bring healing to the land by restoration
work and healing to the people by hands-on experience on the land. This
will be a place where people can come and learn about the rich culture and
heritage of the people from this area. The camp is just below a heritage
site that has huge cultural significance to Xwisten people. Junction Creek
summer village once was a meeting place where people came to hunt, gather
and process food. The Xwisten people are still using this place for the
same reasons today.

The St'át'imc way of life is inseparably connected to the land. Our people
use various locations throughout our territory to hunt and fish, harvest
food and gather medicines.
Aspen Planers' work is damaging delicate ecosystems and animal habitat.
Disregard for the impacts of such resource extraction could affect the
ability of the Xwisten community to thrive as a people. The lessons of
living on the land are a large part of the inheritance passed on from
St'át'imc elders to our children. It is our inherent responsibility to
protect the land and all its inhabitants for generations to come.

Disturbance of Cultural Heritage Site:
Many Xwisten people are demanding the need for further investigation and
study of the historical usage of Junction and Condor Creek areas. At the
Junction Cr. village site Aspen Planers Ltd. Has put a landscaping cloth
membrane over the village site. This was done so they could bury the pit
houses with a foot of gravel in order to drive logging trucks over the
site. This is totally unacceptable. By doing this Aspen Planers Ltd. and
Xwisten Band has gone against the recommendations of archaeologists and
could be damaging the site. It is because of this that Xwisten people along
with fellow supporters will be reoccupying this area for cultural and
spiritual purposes.
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